How can a multimodal strategy improve mobility conditions in Brazzaville?

Transitec was commissioned by the French Agency for Development to identify and study the feasibility of an integrated programme to improve mobility in the south of Brazzaville.

The study area, which includes the Bacongo and Makélékélé districts, plays a number of key roles in the Brazzaville metropolis (2 millions inhabitants). Crossed by two of the main access routes to the city centre - the recently-developed Route de la Corniche and Avenue de l'OUA - it hosts the main urban bus station and the terminals of many minibus and midibuse routes. It is also an area of intense economic activity, with the presence of the Total market, the largest in the country.

On the basis of a full diagnosis of the current situation (infrastructure, traffic, road safety, public transport, active mobility, public spaces, etc.), the study - carried out in partnership with Suez Consulting, Urbaplan and Cap-Consultants - is designed to identify several alternative scenarios for improving mobility. The action plan co-constructed with the stakeholders will then be developed up to the preliminary design stage.

A scoping mission organised from 3 to 8 February enabled Transitec to launch this study, in particular by gathering the views of the leading authorities concerned: "Délégation Générale aux Grands Travaux", Ministry of Transport and Brazzaville Municipality.
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